Aleš Boem

Boem Aleš

Aleš Boem is a Czech designer. He deals not only with product design, but also with art and architectural projects in minimalist and maximalist style.

There is no difference in designing🪑 🧥 🕶 or 🚀. It is only about the way of thinking. This makes everybody different and unique. Each project we do is taken through a strategic process, resulting in a meaningful, adaptive solution.

We are not always trying to follow the trends, but looking back into the history and combine the traditions with contemporary or futuristic possibilities. One cannot exist without the other. Life is about learning new things and we live in a cycles. Change is inevitable so that something new can arise. Less is more and at the same time less is bore.

Creating and living both directions teaches us being in harmony with logic and emotions. We are all comfortable with old and at the same we want something new. And creating something new is possible only with the knowledge of heritage.  We can use what have been invented to discover something new. The technology and evolution pushes us faster to undescovered.

